Emapa GeoMarketing
Emapa GeoMarketing is a solution created for all companies for which efficient management of spatial information is important.
Spatial analyses
Taking into account the spatial aspect (GIS), statistical information (Central Statistical Office), the possibility to visualise them and present them in a clear and easily digestible form (thematic maps) makes the Emapa GeoMarketing application a comprehensive solution that allows for accurate spatial analyses. Spatial analyses are an indispensable element of effective management and optimisation of any business activity. They are particularly often used by our customers to optimise sales or distribution.
Thematic maps
Emapa GeoMarketing enables you to visualise all information concerning a given outlets in the form of size and colour icons or charts. This gives you thematic maps - an indispensable tool for comparative analyses. With pie charts or bar graphs, you can compare several numerical values assigned to a particular facility in an instant. The possibility of dynamic change of filling colour and size of the signature makes it possible to visualise two numerical values in an easy way, e.g. with the size of the signature - the volume of sales, and with the intensity of colour - the number of complaints.
The combination of GIS (Geographic Information Systems) with socio-demographic information from the Statistics Poland (e.g. population, unemployment) enables even more precise analysis and planning of business activities.
Data import, automatic geocoding and updating
Thanks to the data import module, it is possible to automatically retrieve data from any large set, without the need to rewrite or copy it. This saves considerable working time and allocated resources. Geocoding means adding objects to the map on the basis of address data. Advanced geocoding algorithms enable fast spatial localisation of objects. A change in an external, source database can be automatically reflected in the software. Updates can be made automatically, each time the software is started, or manually, at any time during operation.
Easy and quick search
Thanks to spatial filters, you can quickly find the nearest objects of interest. You can also search for all objects within a specified radius or area. With the Emapa GeoMarketing application you can see your own and your competitors' ranges. The easy-to-use yet very advanced ways of filtering the database allow you to accurately select only the objects which meet the required parameters for analysis. It is also possible to save filters and operate them freely when creating new presentations.
data import
Automatyczne pobieranie danych, bez konieczności ich przepisywania, czy kopiowania.
automatic update
Aktualizacja może być dokonywana przy każdym uruchamianiu programu, lub ręcznie, w dowolnym momencie pracy.
thematic maps
Niezastąpione narzędzie do analiz porównawczych
Clear presentation
Obiekty na mapie przedstawione za pomocą sygnatury o dowolnej wielkości i kolorze. Można wizualizować obiekty dowolnym logo.
Polygons and broken lines
Możliwość rysowania linii i wielokątów. Wypełnieniem, kolorem i grubością obramowania można reprezentować wartości liczbowe przypisane do oddziałów.
Spatial search
Szukanie obiektów w określonym promieniu lub obszarze. Sprawdzanie zasięgu działania swojego i konkurencji.
Text search
Zaawansowane filtrowanie pozwala na dokładne wyselekcjonowanie obiektów.
Get in touch with us
Emapa S.A.
al. Jerozolimskie 181B
02-222 Warszawa
Branch in Łódź
ul. Łąkowa 11
90-562 Łódź
tel./fax +48 42 633 92 79
Business ID number (REGON): 472865527
Tax identification number (NIP): 725-18-08-677
National Court Register (KRS): 0000489607
District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw
Paid-up capital: PLN 100,000
Share capital: PLN 100,000