MapCenter is a technology enabling the use of digital maps and city plans in any IT system.
In addition to providing access to the maps themselves (customers have a detailed map of the whole of Europe at their disposal, from which they can select the cartographic data they are interested in), MapCenter makes it possible to perform a number of operations on them, such as
- searching for objects on the map
- searching for information on objects
- marking out routes to selected points
- searching for the nearest objects
Owing to these functions, MapCenter is a fully-functional GIS server offering numerous options, the use of which depends only on your needs and imagination.
MapCenter is divided internally into modules - thematically related sets of functions. At present, 6 basic modules are available:
Location module
The base module of the MapCenter system, consisting of sub-modules: basic (essential for the operation of the entire system, consisting of functions logging into the system, managing users, sessions and providing information on the system), map (containing geo-coding functions, enabling a map image to be displayed on the user's screen with specific parameters, managing zoom levels and browsing maps), searching (enabling you to search for objects visible on the map: cities, streets, addresses, etc.), location (enabling you to place objects on the map, e.g. streets, objects, etc.). ), localisation (allowing you to place your own points on the map, mark them with icons, captions, and connect them with lines).
Routing module
Provides functions for finding a route between map points, generating a route description, as well as auxiliary functions allowing for management of driver and vehicle categories.
Optimisation module - basic
The basic optimisation module is a solution to the so-called ‘travelling salesman problem’. This module allows optimisation of route points for three algorithms of route calculation: the fastest, the shortest or the cheapest. The result may be presented in a graphic or text form (a report with an option of saving route points in a session with the possibly calculated route and its parameters).
Optimisation and scheduling module
The optimisation and scheduling module is an advanced development of the basic optimisation module, complementing it with a number of new important variables and parameters. Thus, it enables to perform much more complex and comprehensive operations related to management of the transport fleet and planning of transport orders.
Traffic problems and e-toll module
The traffic problems module allows for taking into account information about traffic problems during route calculation. This module is particularly important for the transport industry. In combination with the routing module, it enables the calculation of routes for delivery vehicles and the generally known as ‘heavy fleet’, taking into account, for example, the register of objects that hinder transport (bridges, overpasses with width, height, and permitted tonnage), restrictions in truck traffic (prohibition of entry during hours, etc.), permitted tonnage on road sections, and current traffic problems.
Objects module
The objects module (MapBase) of the MapCenter server enables its cooperation with databases in order to present on maps spatial data saved permanently in these databases. It is an alternative to the location module, which also enables the presentation on maps of data placed on demand in a server session, but as data that is automatically deleted when the session ends.
The most accurate maps
- Depending on your needs, you can choose the set of map data you are interested in: a detailed map of Poland (MapSet Polska),
- a detailed map of Poland + a detailed map of Europe + a detailed map of Asia (MapSet Polska, MapSet Europa, MapSet Azja),
- detailed map of Poland + detailed map of Europe + transit map of Asia (MapSet Polska, MultiNet Europa, MapSet Azja).
Would you like to check the accuracy of our maps? No problem. Visit our website:
Examples of use
- Tesco (Polska) Sp. z o.o. - uses MapCenter for monitoring trailers based on traffic problems and restrictions.
- Wincanton Polska Sp. z o.o. - uses our system for e.g. routing, locating trailers, calculating mileage;
- Raben Management Services Sp. z o.o. - uses MapCenter to verify the length of routes between points located on the basis of postal codes, which is the basis for settling routes with drivers;
- PGF S.A. - uses our map server to calculate the length of the route for the accounting system, which is the basis for settling transport costs with the carriers working for them;
- TMS Poland sp. z o.o. - uses MapCenter for the purposes of monitoring slow-moving heavy equipment where accurate maps and precise location are essential;
- Hertz Systems Ltd sp. z o.o. - the basic application of our technology is a server for vehicle location and monitoring for an unlimited number of users;
- PZU - uses MapCenter technology in the system for notifying insured drivers used by the Call Center;
- Aksel-Net sp. z o.o. - uses our technology as components of its monitoring system;
- T-Matic Systems Sp. z o.o. - uses MapCenter system to visualise several thousand vehicles involved in road maintenance for the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways;
- Mobitel Monitoring sp. z o.o. - MapCenter has been used here in the monitoring system along with the possibility to access the system via the internet for the company's customers;
- PEKAES S.A. - MapCenter map server is used in the system for mapping the route for trucks and their location.
Get in touch with us

Emapa S.A.
al. Jerozolimskie 181B
02-222 Warszawa
Branch in Łódź
ul. Łąkowa 11
90-562 Łódź
tel./fax +48 42 633 92 79
Business ID number (REGON): 472865527
Tax identification number (NIP): 725-18-08-677
National Court Register (KRS): 0000489607
District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw
Paid-up capital: PLN 100,000
Share capital: PLN 100,000