Maps API
Maps API allows you to display a map of Poland or a map of Europe; zoom out, zoom in on the map, de-geocoding functions.
Maps API allows the following operations:
- displaying and moving a map,
- displaying the map in any size area of the web page,
- moving the map with the mouse or keyboard cursors,
- map zooming with the help of the map scale bar, rotating mouse wheel or with the help of
- the zoom option in the rectangle,
- zoom out on the map with the use of the map scale bar or the rotary wheel of the mouse,
- access to additional layers (POI, tourist map, hypsometry, aerial base, TMS etc.) depending on the licence conditions,
- option to add your own vector layer
Skontaktuj się z nami

Emapa S.A.
al. Jerozolimskie 181B
02-222 Warszawa
Oddział w Łodzi
ul. Łąkowa 11
90-562 Łódź
tel./fax +48 42 633 92 79
REGON: 472865527
NIP: 725-18-08-677
KRS: 0000489607
Sąd Rejonowy dla m. st. Warszawy
Kapitał opłacony: 100 000 zł
Kapitał zakładowy: 100 000 zł