MultiNet Europe
MultiNet Europe is a detailed digital map of Europe from TomTom, one of the world's leading providers of cartographical data. The package includes detailed maps of more than 30 European countries.
Data content
- Road, settlement and railway network,
- Forests, green areas, national parks, rivers and lakes,
- Political division,
- Postal codes.
over 10 million streets with house numbers
11.5 million km of roads
more than 9 million POI
postal code database (most countries)
local speed limits
local lane assistant
map validity confirmed by 21 million drivers worldwide
Skontaktuj się z nami

Emapa S.A.
al. Jerozolimskie 181B
02-222 Warszawa
Oddział w Łodzi
ul. Łąkowa 11
90-562 Łódź
tel./fax +48 42 633 92 79
REGON: 472865527
NIP: 725-18-08-677
KRS: 0000489607
Sąd Rejonowy dla m. st. Warszawy
Kapitał opłacony: 100 000 zł
Kapitał zakładowy: 100 000 zł