About Emapa
Who we are
Emapa was established in 2001 in Łódź. Based on its proprietary digital map of Poland and map of Europe (TomTom), the most accurate on the market, and using its own technologies, Emapa has developed a range of solutions for fleet management (route mapping and cost counting), route optimisation and geo-marketing: from single-station desktop applications, through web applications, to advanced map servers. All Emapa solutions can be integrated via API with TMS, ERP, CRM, SAP, Microsoft Dynamics and other systems.
The company specialises in comprehensive implementation of dedicated map solutions, e.g. in the following industries: transport and logistics, telecommunications, retail, GPS navigation, vehicle monitoring, etc. It also creates and supports dedicated turnkey optimisation projects.
Emapa offers a wide range of services related to the realisation of map projects, including GIS and transport analyses, geocoding of address data and organising databases.
Based on many years of experience, hundreds of completed projects, own maps and technologies, and acquired know-how, it supports companies in the implementation of IT projects using digital maps and technologies based on them.
Years of presence on the market:
Satisfied customers:
Number of specialists:
Number of records broken in the field of advanced route optimisation:
Since 2014, Emapa has been conducting intensive research and development on advanced VRP (Vehicle Routing Problem) optimisation methods with time windows.
The results of our team's work are international recognition and over 200 broken records in the field of VRP optimisation. Breaking VRP records consists in finding the smallest sum of route lengths without reducing the number of visited points (in practice: visiting all customers minimising the sum of kilometres travelled by all vehicles). The records are published on the website of the international research institute Sintef.
You can read more about records HERE
Our maps
A team of cartographers works daily to create and update our own maps.
Emapa maps and systems are already used by thousands of enterprises, including:
- Black Red White
- Orlen
- Konsalnet
- Spedimex
- Śląskie Centrum Logistyki
- Żabka
- Grupa Żywiec
- Neuca
- Rossmann
Get in touch with us

Emapa S.A.
al. Jerozolimskie 181B
02-222 Warszawa
Branch in Łódź
ul. Łąkowa 11
90-562 Łódź
tel./fax +48 42 633 92 79
Business ID number (REGON): 472865527
Tax identification number (NIP): 725-18-08-677
National Court Register (KRS): 0000489607
District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw
Paid-up capital: PLN 100,000
Share capital: PLN 100,000