route optimisation will revolutionise transport in your company

How? By intelligently and instantly planning sets of routes for your drivers.

Advanced route optimisation VRP (Vehicle Routing Problem) means real savings by reducing fleet operating costs. Emapa's optimisation algorithms take the following into account: 

  • list of stops (customers) to be visited along with their cargo requirements,
  • priority of visits
  • vehicle data (number, type, load capacity, combustion, etc.)
  • stop time windows,
  • driver data (working time, hourly cost)
  • compatibility, i.e. matching of stops with the routes according to the stop-base, stop-vehicle or stop-chain rule, as preferred by the customer.

    Each of the parameters may additionally contain exceptions or admissions to exceed the defined rule. This is often relevant for parameters such as the definition of time windows or maximum route costs.

In addition to the financial results, route optimisation guarantees additional benefits:

  • increased efficiency of the employee who, thanks to optimised routes, can handle more orders in the same amount of time,
  • increased quality and timeliness of order processing,
  • elimination of unnecessary vehicles.

Emapa breaks world records in optimisation

Emapa has beaten the world's best teams in the advanced route optimisation (vrp) category 218 times

While creating and constantly improving VRP algorithms, Emapa takes part in Gehring and Homberger benchmark studies. Emapa's team keeps breaking new VRP records (in the VRPTW field - advanced route optimisation with time windows). These results are continuously verified and published on the website of the popular European research institute Sintef.

The record-breaking in the field of VRP optimisation consists in finding the smallest sum of route lengths without reducing the number of points visited (in practice: visiting all customers minimising the sum of kilometres travelled by all vehicles).



Route optimisation in a nutshell:

Fleet maintenance costs lower by:


more orders handled at the same time by:


Time to plan the schedule reduced by:


percentage of optimisation issues that we can handle:


delivery route optimisation solutions


A SaaS-type web application for route optimisation. More information on 


An API providing efficient and advanced optimisation options.

MapCenter Icon

A map server allowing for full integration of the optimisation tool with the customer's software.


Turnkey optimisation projects

Solving individual optimisation problems.

Get in touch

Parametry VRP - Nowości

EMAPA S.A. realizuje projekt pt.: „Opracowanie uniwersalnych metod rozwiązywania zaawansowanych problemów marszrutyzacji z wykorzystaniem uczenia maszynowego”, współfinansowany w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Inteligentny Rozwój 2014-2020, Działanie: 1.1. Projekty B+R przedsiębiorstw, Poddziałanie: 1.1.1.  

W związku z tym, do swojej oferty firma wprowadziła wyniki tych prac badawczych, czyli następujące parametry optymalizacji VRP:

  • PDPTW (Pickup-Delivery Problem with Time Windows), czyli problemy zwózkowo-rozwózkowe z obsługą okien czasowych
  • PDPTWP (Pickup-Delivery Problem with Time Windows and Profits), czyli problemy zwózkowo - rozwózkowe z obsługą okien czasowych i priorytetów
  • PVRPTW (Periodic Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows), czyli rozwiązywanie problemów VRP z uwzględnieniem periodyczności
  • VRP Bin Packing, czyli rozwiązywanie problemu plecakowego
  • VRP with loading constraints, czyli obsługa zagadnienia kompatybilności (dopasowania) stopów do pojazdów, baz lub cech pojazdów (np. winda, wózek widłowy)

Market examples

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    My industry is: [select service "Transport and forwarding" "Distribution, supply chain " "Courier company "Production company " "FMCG" "Software House" "TMS class systems provider" "Monitoring company" "Public administration" "Schooling" "other"] I want to:

    I agree to:

    processing my personal data (email, phone number) for purposes relating to marketing of products and services offered by Emapa S.A. as well as sending commercial information regarding these products and services.

    receiving from Emapa S.A., located in Warsaw (02-222), Poland, Al. Jerozolimskie 181B commercial information by email, pursuant to the Act of July 18, 2002 .

    using by Emapa S.A. located in Warsaw (02-222), Poland, Al. Jerozolimskie 181B, telecommunications terminal equipment, of which I am a user, for the purpose of direct marketing (pursuant to Art. 172 of the Act of July 16, 2004.

    * - required field

    The controller of your personal data will be Emapa S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw, al.Jerozolimskie 181B, e-mail: more >


    Emapa S.A.

    Lumen Złote Tarasy
    ul. Złota 59
    00-120 Warszawa


    Branch in Łódź
    ul. Łąkowa 11
    90-562 Łódź

    tel./fax +48 42 633 92 79

    Business ID number (REGON): 472865527
    Tax identification number (NIP): 725-18-08-677
    National Court Register (KRS): 0000489607
    District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw


    Paid-up capital: PLN 100,000
    Share capital: PLN 100,000